Ai Ye


Ai Ye in TCM:

Explore the properties of Ai Ye according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: artemesia argyi, argy wormwood leaf
Pharmaceutical Name: Artemesia argyi
Properties: bitter, acrid, warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: SP, KD, LV

Flavors: bitter, pungent

Special Properties:
disperses cold, clears damp, stops bleeding

    Alternate Forms:
  • chao tan- good to stop bleeding
  • sheng- often used, does not stop bleeding so much

Actions / Indications:
  • Warm meridians; stop bleeding (uterine bleeding due to deficient cold; prolonged menstrual bleeding; cold dysenteric disorder, hematemesis, epistaxis, blood in stools)
  • Regulates menses; alleviates pain; pacifies fetus (restless fetus, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, lower abdominal cold pain, infertility due to cold womb, vaginal bleeding inthreatening miscarriage, also vaginal discharge, abdominal pain due to SP/ST deficient cold)
  • Resolves dampness; stops itching (can be used topically for eczema, tinea, genital)

    Other Notes:
  • Ai Ye is the primary herb used in moxibustion
  • For profuse menstrual bleeding due to deficient cold combine Ai Ye with Gan Jiang and E Jiao

  • (cc: heat in blood)
  • (cc: yin deficiency)

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Folk remedies presented on this site are designed to address specifc TCM diagnoses, and are not one-size-fits-all. If you would like to learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and how it relates to Chinese Nutrition, you can book in a free call with a licensed professional. There is no obligation to purchase.