Ban Bian Lian


Ban Bian Lian in TCM:

Explore the properties of Ban Bian Lian according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: lobelia, Chinese lobelia herb
Pharmaceutical Name: Herba Lobeliae Chinensis
Properties: acrid, cold

Temperature: cold

Channels: LU, HT, SI

Flavors: pungent

Special Properties:
clears heat, resolves water accumulations, eliminates toxins

Actions / Indications:
  • Clears heat; reduce toxicity (essential herb for snake bites and wasp stings / fire toxin sores (carbuncles, boils): internal or topical
  • Promotes urination; reduces edema (ascites, liver cirrhosis; end-stage schistosomiasis; jaundice

    Other Notes:
  • Ban Bian Lian has a diuretic effect so careful when prescribing it with Lasix, Bumex, Demadex, etc...
  • Symptoms of overdose include mania, muscle contractions, and excitation
  • Ban Bian Lian is also used in oncology to treat tumours and masses.

  • (cc: edema due to deficiency)