Ban Lan Gen


Ban Lan Gen in TCM:

Explore the properties of Ban Lan Gen according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: isatis root, indigo woad root
Pharmaceutical Name: Radix Isatidis
Properties: bitter, cold

Temperature: cold

Channels: LU, ST, HT

Flavors: bitter

Special Properties:
clears heat, eliminates toxins

Actions / Indications:
  • Clears Heat; Relieves Toxicity (warm-febrile disease; warm epidemic; sore throat; often used as flu preventative)
  • Benefits Throat (mumps, painful swollen throat)

    Other Notes:
  • (note: da qing ye is stronger to clear heat and cool blood, ban lan gen is stronger to benefit throat)

  • (cc: absence of fire-toxin)