Yuan Hua


Yuan Hua in TCM:

Explore the properties of Yuan Hua according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: genkwa flower, lilac daphne flower bud
Pharmacuetical Name: Flos Genkwa
Properties: toxic, acrid, bitter, warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: LU, LI, KD

Flavors: toxic, bitter, pungent

Special Properties:
resolves water accumulations, expels parasites, resolves phlegm

Actions / Indications:
  • Drains water downwards; drive out congested fluid (ascites, bloating, abdominal distension, fluid in chest or abdomen; pleurisy; dispels phlegm; stops cough)
  • Kills parasites (scalp lesions; tinea, mastities, eczema, topically for ringworm; carbuncles)
  • (cc: pregnancy)
  • (cc: weak patients)
  • (note: incompatible with gan cao)
  • (note: gan sui, da ji, and yuan hua are often presribed together and are listed here in their order of relative strength from strongest to weakest)

    Special Notes:
  • Similar to Gan Sui, Yuan Hua has similar actions to purge stagnation and eliminate water accumulation.
  • Combine with bing lang for intestinal parasites.