Dang Gui


Dang Gui in TCM:

Explore the properties of Dang Gui according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: tangkuei, angelica root, dong quai, Chinese angelica
Pharmacuetical Name: Radicis Angelicae Sinensis
Properties: sweet, acrid, warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: SP, HT, LV

Flavors: sweet, pungent
Tonifies: blood

Special Properties:
circulates blood, clears damp, eliminates toxins, disperses wind, resolves dryness, reduces swelling, alleviates bi syndrome

    Alternate Forms:
  • Dang Gui Shen (body) - tonify blood
  • Dang Gui Wei (tail) - invigorates blood
  • Quan Dang Gui (whole) - harmonize blood, tonify and invigorate

Actions / Indications:
  • Tonifies Blood (pallid complexion, tinnitus, blurred vision, palpitations, Dang Gui is more tonifying than moving)
  • Invigorates blood; regulates menses; alleviates pain (irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea; pain due to blood stasis: abdominal pain, traumatic injury, carbuncles, especially with deficient cold; blood deficiency with chronic wind-damp-bi)
  • Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels (dry intestines due to blood and yang deficiency)
  • Reduces swelling, expels pus, generates flesh, alleviates pain (chronic sores, abcesses; also for early stage of toxic swellings when combining with clear heat toxicity herbs)

    Special Notes:
  • One clinical study showed 90.2% effectiveness in treating 51 patients with cough and wheeze. Most patients responded in 2-3 hours.
  • For post-partum w/ early stage of common cold combine Dang Gui with Huang Qi.

  • (cc: caution with dampness: diarrhea or abdominal distension)
  • (cc: yin deficiency with heat)