Fu Pen Zi


Fu Pen Zi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Fu Pen Zi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: rubus, palm-leaf raspberry fruit
Pharmacuetical Name: Fructus Rubi
Properties: sweet, sour, slightly warm

Temperature: warm

Channels: KD, LV

Flavors: sweet, sour
Tonifies: blood, jing

Special Properties:

Actions / Indications:
  • Tonifies KD; binds essence, retains urine (spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, wet dreams due to KD deficiency, urinary frequency or enuresis; impotence due to deficiency)
  • Benefits KD and LV; improves vision (blurry / dim / poor vision, sore lower back)

    Special Notes:
  • Pharmacologically Fu Pen Zi is an antibiotic and an estrogen stimulant (in mice)

  • (cc: yin deficiency with heat)
  • (cc: urinary difficulty)

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Folk remedies presented on this site are designed to address specifc TCM diagnoses, and are not one-size-fits-all. If you would like to learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and how it relates to Chinese Nutrition, you can book in a free call with a licensed professional. There is no obligation to purchase.