Fu Zi


Fu Zi in TCM:

Explore the properties of Fu Zi according to Chinese
Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM):

English Name: aconite, prepared daughter root of common monk's hood
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata
Properties: sweet, bitter, neutral

Temperature: neutral

Channels: SP, HT, KD

Flavors: sweet, bitter
Tonifies: yang

Special Properties:
disperses cold, clears damp, disperses wind, alleviates bi syndrome

Actions / Indications:
  • Rescues devastated yang (extremely weak yang qi with abundant cold yin, shaoyin syndrome: diarrhea with undigested food, chills, cold extremities, cold sweating, faint pulse, often occurs after severe vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating; fu zi assists heart yang to unblock the vessels, tonifies KD yang to augment fire and prevent loss of yuan qi)
  • Warms fire; assists the yang (cold womb, impotence, abdominal cold pain, diarrhea, edema, yin jaundice, associated with deficiency of SP or KI yang)
  • Disperse cold; warms channels; relieves pain (wind-damp-cold painful obstruction especially when cold is predominant; also for headache, chest bi, abdominal pain due to cold)

    Special Notes:
  • Incompatible with bei mu, gua lou, tian hua fen, ban xia, bai ji, and bai lian
  • Antagonistic with xi jiao
  • Wu tou refers to all of these: fu zi, chuan wu, and cao wu
  • Chuan wu is the main root of Aconite, whereas fu zi is the accessory root of Aconite
  • Cao wu is the wild form.
  • "without gan jiang, fu zi is not hot" (refers to mutual accentuation). "Gan Jiang stays and Fu Zi walks".
  • All are very hot and toxic. Should cook long time to reduce toxicity.
  • Gan Jiang warms SP and LU while Fu Zi warms HT yang, SP yang, and KD yang.

  • (cc: pregnancy)
  • (cc: yin deficiency with false cold, true heat)