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   Agar - Cold, sweet, salty. (Special Healing Properties: Clears Heat, Resolves Phlegm) product detailsLU, LI, LV 
   Arame - Cool, salty. (Special Healing Properties: Moistens Dryness) product details 
   Dulse - Cool, salty. (Special Healing Properties: Moistens Dryness) product details 
   Hijiki - Cool, salty. (Special Healing Properties: Clears Heat, Resolves Phlegm, Moistens Dryness) product details 
   Irish Moss - Cool, salty. (Special Healing Properties: Resolves Water Accumulations, Eliminates Toxins, Resolves Phlegm) product detailsLU, HT, UB, KD 
   Kelp (Kombu) - Cold, salty. (Tonifies: Blood, Yin) (Special Healing Properties: Clears Heat, Resolves Water Accumulations, Eliminates Toxins, Resolves Phlegm, Moistens Dryness) product detailsLU, ST, KD, LV 
   Laver - Cold, sweet, salty. (Special Healing Properties: Clears Heat, Resolves Water Accumulations, Resolves Phlegm, Moistens Dryness) product detailsLU, ST, KD, LV 
   Nori - Cool, sweet, salty. (Tonifies: Yin) (Special Healing Properties: Clears Heat, Resolves Water Accumulations, Resolves Phlegm, Moistens Dryness) product details 
   Wakame - Cool, salty. (Tonifies: Yin) (Special Healing Properties: Clears Heat, Resolves Water Accumulations, Resolves Phlegm, Moistens Dryness) product details 
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Tip: Browse this website and build a recipe by adding 'products' to your 'cart'. When you're done click Analyze Now! to analyze the recipe in terms of Chinese nutritional medicine. This web site can also be used to analyze herbal formulas, too! 

Note: Quantity refers to potency, not portion size. In some cases this is very subjective. For instance, is 1 cup of rice the same as 1 cup of cinnamon?  But 1 teaspoon of cinammon is pretty potent compared to 1 cup of rice. So you might feel that 1 cup of rice is equally potent to 1 teaspoon of cinammon.  Therefore you would enter the potency of 1 for both of these items in your recipe. Just do your best, and play with this web site to get the recipe analysis results that you desire and agree with.

On the other hand, if you're building a Chinese herbal formula, then 1 gram of one herb is generally the same as one gram of another herb. The minimum portion size (quantity) accepted by this web site is always one. So to enter a half a gram, you would enter a potency of '1' for the half gram, and change the potency of 2 for one gram.